DNA Paternity Testing – Tracing its need and popularity

DNA relationship testing – dna testing.

dna paternity test

Whenever the situation of finding concrete scientific evidence of a potential father comes, simple blood test is not sufficient and DNA relationship testing technique should also be followed. In case of finding the maternity of a child, such techniques are not needed as the woman who gave birth is the genetic and legal mother, except in the cases of surrogate motherhood.

Hence, in most of the cases, it is easy to determine the maternity of a child than the paternity. In the past, to answer the questions of the paternity of a child the scientists had to determine the Phenotypes or specific blood types of the child. With the help of their specific Phenotype the potential father was identified. But this method gave inconclusive results.

So, from then on the common approach to determine the child’s paternity was by the occurrence of specific genotypic marker. Thereafter, the DNA fingerprinting became available for paternity testing or dna testing.

Before the invention of modern DNA analysis techniques the dna paternity test was based on the blood type testing. There are various human blood groups, which constitute multiple alleles with variety of dominance patterns. The blood typing method was not trusted for a while by the legal system due to some drawbacks. For example, ABO blood typing cannot be used to determine that a man is potential father of a child.

While a man with AB blood group can be considered as potential father of a child with blood group that has either of the A or B alleles or both. The rule is a father can pass any of the two alleles to the offspring.

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